What to see in Athens: TOP 20 interesting places

Athens is the ancient cultural center of Greece and simply a very beautiful and original city. Today, in our guide to Athens, we will tell you about its most interesting places that will turn your Athens vacation into an unforgettable fairy tale.

Plaka area

Athens is an ancient city, so start getting to know it with the most “bearded” attractions. One such place to visit is the Plaka area. The oldest historical district of the city rests in the shadow of an equally ancient hill – the Acropolis. Labyrinths of narrow shady streets, entwined with greenery and flowers, are woven into a bizarre pattern, taking you back in time, slowing down time. Here it’s worth wandering among the old traditional Greek houses, and then stopping by one of the hospitable small taverns to really experience Greek hospitality.

District Plaka - Athens


After walking around Plaka, don’t be lazy to climb the Acropolis. Everyone is probably familiar with this flat-topped rock topped by a classical Greek temple. In the distant past, it was decorated with many temples and sculptures, but today all that remains of all this splendor is the Temple of Nike Apteros, the Erechtheion and the famous Parthenon.

The hill offers a beautiful view of the city, as if scattered below, and its temples are an excellent place to get acquainted with the culture and history of Ancient Greece.

Areopagus Hill

Want to see Athens from above? Nothing could be easier! Just climb the Areopagus Hill, which is in the northwestern part of the Acropolis. Once the center of public life in Athens, today Ares Hill (and this is how its name is translated) has become a favorite place for tourists, because it offers stunning views of the city!

Photo by – psahno

Archaeological Museum of Athens

Greece in general and Athens in particular can rightfully be considered one large open-air museum. And yet, to explore the rich architectural and sculptural heritage of Hellas, you should visit the Archaeological Museum of Athens. There are more than 20,000 exhibits from different eras, from early civilizations to antiquity. Ancient ceramics, figurines, household utensils, bronze items, jewelry—you name it. So take some time and go to unknown places!

Archaeological Museum of Athens

Benaki Museum

Your exploration of Greek culture and history will be incomplete if you do not include the Benaki Museum on your “tourist bucket list.” Yes, it is dedicated to archeology (why should we be surprised if Greece is famous for its archaeological finds?). But its richest collection will definitely not leave you indifferent, because the artifacts presented here cover a period of time starting from the Paleolithic!

And then, in the museum you can get acquainted not only with the heritage of Greek culture, but also Andean, Islamic and Chinese. Sculptures, paintings, icons, jewelry and dishes – all this will immerse you in bygone eras and reveal the charm of ancient times.

The author of the photo is turskidki

National Garden

There is nothing more desirable for a tired tourist than relaxation in peace and quiet. In Athens, the best place for this is the National Garden. Finding it couldn’t be easier: the garden is located near Syntagma Square, right behind the Parliament building.

Shady alleys will save you from the heat, and the pond will give you invigorating coolness. In addition, ancient ruins, remains of columns and ancient mosaics have been preserved in the garden. There is also a mini-zoo and a botanical museum, so you definitely won’t be bored.

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Museum of Greek Folk Art

Greece is not only a place of ancient statues and temples, as it might seem. To get to know this country more deeply, tourists should visit the Museum of Greek Folk Art. This is where all the colors of folk crafts are collected! Here you will find products made of wood, metals and clay, richly decorated with carvings and inlays, and an entire hall dedicated to traditional carnival costumes. There is also an exhibition of silver items and weapons, and here you can also see puppets from the Karagiozis National Theater, depicting scenes from everyday life in Athens.

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Theater of Dionysus

Surely, many have heard about the famous Greek amphitheaters, but few people know that the oldest of them is located in Athens. The Theater of Dionysus dates back to the 5th century BC! It was here that the works of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Aristophanes were staged, and the theater could accommodate 17 thousand spectators.

Today, a favorite pastime of tourists is to test the fantastic acoustics of the theater: if one person remains in the orchestra and speaks, and the other rises to the very top row, he will hear every single word. Don’t be lazy to check it yourself!

Photo author – puteshestvovat

Cathedral of Agios Eleftherios

The Cathedral of Agios Eleftherios may not be noticed at first, and you may just pass by. But in vain. This small 12th-century church is considered one of the most beautiful in the city. The elegant marble structure with intricate carvings on the walls evokes a feeling of amazing peace and tranquility.

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Museum of Cycladic Art

Another must-see destination for those who cannot imagine their life without new knowledge. At the Museum of Cycladic Art you will learn about the life and culture of the civilizations that inhabited the coast of the Aegean Sea and Cyprus. Particularly interesting is the collection of figurines depicting everyday scenes of ancient life: hunting, family scenes, everyday activities, etc. You can also see here the rarest Cypriot antiques: items made of gold and silver, bronze and glass of amazing work.

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Tower of the Winds

In fact, the tower with such a romantic name has a completely prosaic purpose – today it houses a weather station. But it’s still worth a visit: the tower has a hydraulic clock that indicates time according to the sun, and the building itself is a living architectural monument (built in the 1st century BC). Particularly interesting are the friezes of the tower depicting the wind gods. Below their figures you can see the markings of the dial, as the tower was used as a giant clock.

Photo by – athina

Keramik District Museum

The Ceramik District Museum is named so for a reason. Since ancient times, potters and sculptors settled and worked in the area of ​​the same name, and later many interesting finds were made here.

The museum contains the largest collection of statues, sculptural groups and compositions of the ancient period. And in the courtyard of the museum you will find the pearl of the collection – the statue of the bull of Dionysius (340 BC). And, of course, there is an abundance of ancient ceramics, jewelry and household items.

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Odeon of Herodes Atticus

Greece has long been famous for its love of music: that is why the famous amphitheaters were so popular in Hellas. One of them is still working.

The Odeon, an amphitheater on the southern slope of the Agora, is an ancient venue for musical events that has retained its functions to this day. This majestic structure has been perfectly preserved and today serves as the central cultural stage of Athens. Festivals, concerts and theater performances take place here (for example, the annual Athens Festival is held from May to October).

Author photo – grecomap

Temple of Hephaestus

Tourists strongly associate Athens with elegant ancient temples, but it is a mistake to believe that they are all alike. Each temple is unique in its own way, and you can only check this by visiting it yourself.

To do this, we advise you to visit the Temple of Hephaestus – one of the best preserved temples of Ancient Greece.

Photo author – zagranitsa

Port of Piraeus

Greece would not be Greece without the sea, because the entire history of the country is closely intertwined with this powerful element. Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure of a stroll to the Athens port of Piraeus. He will share with you not only the sea air and magnificent views, but also his interesting history and notes about modern life. The view of the city from the embankment is simply magical: scatterings of white houses against the backdrop of the blue sky and azure sea will enchant you at first sight!

The author of the photo is tripsyguide

Monastiraki Market

Do you want to plunge into the atmosphere of the vibrant and vibrant life of Athens? Be sure to visit the Monastiraki market, the oldest shopping area in the city. Today it is an extensive flea market with something for everyone. Every day from 8:00 a colorful action called “Greek trade” takes place here. Even if you don’t plan to buy anything, be sure to wander among the sellers, watching the lively trades, soaking up the atmosphere of real Athenian life.

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Erechtheion Temple

While on the Acropolis, don’t miss the chance to visit the Erechtheion Temple, where the ancients worshiped Poseidon and Athena. Today, not much remains of its former splendor, but the temple still does not lose its grandeur and beauty and deserves to be visited. Particularly noteworthy are the statues of caryatid maidens decorating one of the porticoes.

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Cape Sounion

If you are a romantic by calling, then we know one interesting place in Athens that you will definitely like! We are talking about Cape Sounion. You might say, what’s the point of traveling an hour from Athens for the sake of some cape?

And then, it is here that you can see sunsets of indescribable beauty at the ruins of the Temple of Poseidon, since access here is open daily without restrictions. Well, before you return to Athens, make your very, very wish – they say it will certainly come true!

The author of the photo is gretsiia

Holm Lykavitos

Probably the most colorful and extensive panorama of Athens can be seen from here – from Lycabettus Hill (or Lycabettos), the highest point in the vicinity of the city. Besides the impressive views, at the top there is a chapel of St. George and an open-air theater where musical performances and concerts are held.

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Jewelry Museum of Ilias Lalaounis

Do you want to know what jewelry was in fashion in Greece during different eras? Nothing could be easier! Stop by the Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum and see for yourself.

The museum’s collection includes more than 4,000 exhibits: jewelry, decorative objects made of precious metals and small sculptures. And that’s not all that can be seen there – the permanent exhibition includes works by the museum’s founder, jeweler Ilias Lalaounis, and a temporary exhibition tells about the history of jewelry around the world.

The author of the photo is easytravel

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