This review is the experience of one of our #LocalTravellers published in our Facebook group, we invite you to join here so you can learn about the experiences of more travelers, tips, recommendations and more about our adventures.

Dear all, my name is Isa H. I am returning from Egypt Tourthe trip was so spectacular that I no longer wanted to return from this journey through Egypt.

It was definitely an experience that I will keep in my heart as a treasure. On the way there they waited for us at the airport, the girl from the agency was very friendly, I talked and laughed with her. She spoke a little Spanish and also English.

I talked to her in English. Where she waited for us there were ATMs available to withdraw money and she showed us where we could process the visa and the cost (25 dollars).

Journey through Egypt

Before leaving the airport, she asked us if we all had medications or if she could help us buy what we needed.

The agency staff in Egypt were super cool. I was able to talk with them in Spanish and with some in English. Unfortunately I didn't bring that many sweets to give to everyone.

The hotels were incredible, the people were very helpful and I only tipped the waiters on the first day. They divided the group in two for better attention.

I was fortunate to have Kareem Ghonem as a guide, a total genius. From day one they solved the tipping issue for the entire trip, which I am grateful for because it would have been more expensive to tip myself. He explained all the additional activities to us.

We paid everything with a card right there. Yes, it is true that you can buy your tickets with a student discount in the places, but you must not be over 30 years old for your credentials to be accepted and in addition, in some places there are a lot of lines and you lose valuable time. It was better for me to pay everything and not worry.

In all the places we visited, the guide explained in detail all the particularities of the site. He has extensive knowledge about Egyptian culture, history and anthropology, typical food and, in addition, he has a very good taste in food.

He is very intelligent and knows his job very well, he solved many situations without us realizing it, such as tips for services, treatment of people, the cost of souvenirs.

He also taught us how to haggle to save money, he explained to us the costs of things and also all the sellers' traps to avoid falling into.

He told us where to buy and where not to buy, what was imitation and what was quality. He protected us from harassment from vendors and men (very flirtatious, by the way).

Journey through Egypt

The guide never left anyone, if someone was missing, the poor guy would go to hell to look for him until he found him to integrate him into the group.

He kept the group's spirits high the whole time, it was very fun to travel with him. My respect, affection and admiration for the guide, who is truly a genius and it is a delight to watch him work (hahaha).

On the other hand, the felucca was incredible, I had a lot of fun and slept like a baby. The food in the places they take you to was truly incredible and besides, the guide knows takeout places that are delicious and so you can eat in peace in the truck and save time.

I didn't even feel the long trip on the bus, I slept the whole time and in the morning we had a delicious breakfast, you just have to dress warmly because the temperature drops a lot at night.

The driver, Rami, is a total mother! And also, they spoiled us with free food, chips, soft drinks, chocolates and more.

My group was very united, although as always, there was no shortage of black people in the rice.

But, I made friends, Mexicans and Egyptians, for my entire life. Of course, feedback with the agency staff is very important so that they can always improve their service.

Journey through Egypt

They are asking you all the time how you are and how you are doing. What we didn't like, for example, some of the hotel lunches, we told them so they could ask the hotel to improve it. The guide's tip, more than deserved.

I would have liked to give him more but my wallet didn't allow it. It is not mandatory to tip anyone, but it is recommended, the country is very cheap in many ways. I hope my comments help you make decisions, and if you have questions, I will gladly answer here.

Many thanks to Local Adventures and my Egyptian friends for this wonderful trip.

I returned very happy, full of energy, joy and a lot of love from this journey through Egypt. Here they have their home in Mexico City whenever they like.

To my travel group, thank you for all your good cheer, for the laughter and chaos, I always want you in my life. A part of my heart remains in Egypt with you, after this journey through Egypt.

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