This review is the experience of one of our #LocalTravellers published in our Facebook group, we invite you to join here so you can learn about the experiences of more travelers, tips, recommendations and more about our adventures.

Hello Travelers!

I'm Alejandra Velasco and I just returned from my tour exploring Japan.

I know that many have asked a lot about that destination; Here I leave you my experience both on the tour and in the country. So get ready for a lot of text.

Exploring Japan

I booked the tour last year, even when the borders were closed; The one I went to was called “Adventure in Japan” just like it is an adventure.

Due to the flexibilities program they manage, I was able to pay little by little and I had many months to do so.

Not being sure if it would be open for my travel date.

They told me I could change and scroll through the date up to two months before it.

I bought the flights in October (that is, 6 months in advance) through Aeromexico.

Leaving from my city they cost me approximately $26 thousand mxn round (I only had a stopover in Mexico City).

When the country opened and it was high season, I saw that the same flight increased by up to $40-50 thousand mxn.

This tour does not include transfers from the airport to the hotel/hostel, but if I had to describe Japan in one word I would say “convenient”.

It is super easy for foreigners to get around, so getting to the hotel/hostel area is very easy.

Within the same airport terminal there is a train station, you just go down the stairs, buy your ticket.

And that's it or in my case I took the bus, I bought the ticket right there inside the airport terminal.

I arrived before the tour (to Tokyo) and left after it ended (it ends in Kyoto).

I had the opportunity to take advantage of that time to do extra activities (which I booked on my own) exploring Japan.

If you're wondering, I traveled alone and no, at no time was I afraid or was there anything that made me feel unsafe.

The first three days are in Tokyo, which to be honest, for such a huge city they are not enough, I recommend you have extra days in that city.

We visited Senso-ji, Meiji, Akihabara (practically the nest of anime), Harajuku, Shinjuku, Shibuya. We had a Sushi class.

Exploring Japan

Then we went to Nagano, a beautiful city, the main point is the volcanic waters, so there are many Onsen (hot springs), the hotel has a private Onsen or if you are very lively there are public ones so you can live the whole experience.

In this city we had two activities, Origami classes and Soba (a type of noodle) classes. One of the tours we had was to see the snow monkeys with their own Onsen (be aware that for this monkey tour you will need to walk on a slope to ascend to the place, since they are mountain trails)

The next place was Hakone, a destination close to Mount Fuji, here there are also volcanic waters and one of the curiosities is that when you boil eggs in those waters, they come out black. Legend has it that if you eat one, you will live 7 more years! I brought 4, so I'll tell you how things went with my 28 extra years.

Here we got on a cable car and pirate ship with a very beautiful view, so you are really exploring Japan.

It's Osaka's turn, we stayed 2 nights, here is the canal of a famous river that is seen so much on social networks, it's called Dotonbori, there are bars, restaurants, karaokes, etc. a lot to do there. We visited Osaka Castle, it can be visited inside and has several floors with its history.

One morning was free, we took advantage and some of us on the tour went to Nara, which is famous because its deer roam freely both in the park and in its streets, in addition to its enormous Buddha (approximately 15m). Nara is 40 minutes from Osaka by train, so half a day for this visit was enough.

One night in Osaka they took us to a Yakiniku restaurant (those that have a small grill on the table) very delicious! I highly recommend them.

We immediately went to Koyasan, this place earned a special place in my memories.

The small city is focused on temples, cemeteries, monks and tourism.

This was one of the places where I had to sleep on the floor (tatami) and it was where I felt I rested the most. There are many ancient architectural structures, even the trees are between 200-600 years old!

This city transports you to another place in time. We had the opportunity to have a night tour of the cemetery, nothing terrifying, but very interesting and with a lot of learning, our guide was a monk so he was even more special.

We had a meditation class, we were present at two ceremonies, one of them “fire”. Here they gave us dinner and breakfast in pure Monk style, what an experience!

Sadly we arrived in Kyoto at the final destination of the tour (but not of my stay), I loved this city, it has an air of Tokyo but at the same time a remembrance of that country's past. In this destination we visited Arashiysma (the place of bamboos that appear a lot in nets), Golden Pavilion (the golden castle). One of the nights they took us to the Gion district, which was the usual Geisha district; Curious fact: in Osaka they were not called Geishas but Geiko, we live we deceive!

If you are lucky you will see some Geiko or Maiko (apprentices) walking through the streets of that district.

Remember those red arches from “Memoirs of a Geisha”? (They are called Torii) Well, they took us too! It is tiring and surprising at the same time, since there are 35 thousand arches. I won't tell you everything because it is much better to see Kyoto with your own eyes.

From then on I was on my own, I returned to Osaka to do one of my extras, then to Tokyo to do another of my extras and now, back home.

About the accommodations are in hostels, in Ryokan (traditional lodging) and in the Temple in Koyasan. Don't be intimidated by how it sounds, the truth is that you only get to sleep and you share a room only with people on the tour, who become friends.

The age range is approximately 20-55 years old since there are days where you walk a lot. Remember that Japan is a very punctual country so they try to be on time everywhere.

Transfers are by subway, train (even the Shinkansen or bullet train), Cable Car, cable car, bus, a van at a destination, etc.

Exploring Japan

Japan is so well connected that all these media can be combined. I don't know about you, but I had never been on a cable car in the mountains and it was cool to add that experience to the list.

As for $$$ spent there… Ufff hahaha it can be a cheap and expensive destination at the same time, this will depend on you. Meals can range from $70mxn for a combo at McDonald's, $130mxn for a traditional Japanese food set or a cute Instagram meal for $300-400mxn. The triki thing here is that Japan is one of the most consumerist countries and as a good tourist.

You are going to want to leave all your money there, not only on souvenirs but on food, drinks, outings, etc.

Regarding the language, the tour is in English, the other people traveling are from countries where English is or is not their mother tongue.

Exploring Japan you are going to have fun.

Even the group leader or guide was from Brazil, so it is a multicultural experience not only for the visit itself, but also for the camaraderie with other nationalities.

Speaking of the language, but specifically in communication with Japanese, I used Google translate and with that I did it.

There are some key words, so that they pay attention to you or to show interest in them and their culture, nothing out of this world, words like “Arigato” (thank you), “Sumimasen” (excuse me), “konichiwa” (good morning/good morning). afternoons), “Konbawa” (good night, but as a greeting, not to say before going to sleep) and with that they put it together, they say the rest through a translator and that's it, I promise you that the Japanese are super friendly and do their best effort to help (the vast majority).

My guide, as I mentioned, is from Brazil, he was always supporting me, it was my first international trip and he was attentive to me at my destination.

I'm a short Mexican hahaha so I was a little behind the others.

But he was always looking out for me.

We were several girls alone and I always tried to help us. He guided us, suggested, listened and the vast majority of issues were expected of the person in charge. Therefore, that sense of confidence passed to the group and we made a good team.

In short, it is a destination that you have to visit at least once in your life, it will not disappoint you, it is truly an adventure exploring Japan.

Regarding the tour, I compared it with several agencies and tours.

Most of them had “commercial” destinations and activities.

Exploring Japan

I did it on my own (they tell you that they take you to Nara, Disney, Osaka, etc.).

On this tour there were definitely places where I arrived and thought: “wow if I had not come on a tour I would have never come here or I would have gotten lost on the way a thousand times”

That's why at the beginning I told them what an adventure exploring Japan is literally.

If you have any questions, you can leave them with me and I will be happy to help you.

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