Documents and requirements to travel to Iran in 2024

Traveling to Iran is a fascinating experience that will allow you to discover a rich culture, impressive landscapes and ancient history. However, before embarking on your adventure, it is essential to be well informed about the requirements to travel to Iranas well as the documentation necessary to travel to Iran. At Intermundial we want to make your trip easier and more pleasant, that is why we give you the most important information for traveling to this country.

But before setting off or preparing your suitcase, we have a key recommendation to make your trip perfect: hire complete travel insurance. This can protect you in different situations, such as needing medical assistance. Keep in mind that in Iran healthcare is not as high as in Spain and that it is also paid, so with insurance you will receive the best care without having to pay the bill. We take care of that.

Entry and visa requirements to travel to Iran

For travel to Iran, it is mandatory to have a visa. exist Various types of visa depending on the purpose of your trip: tourism, business, student and transit. The most common and safest way to obtain a visa is to apply for it at the nearest Iranian embassy or consulate.

Visa on arrival (VOA) is also available for citizens of certain countries, which can be obtained at major airports in Iran. However, it is advisable to obtain the visa before the trip to avoid problems. Furthermore, Iran has implemented a system of electronic visa (e-Visa) which allows travelers to apply for their visa online before their arrival.

To apply for a visa, you will generally need a passport valid for at least six months from the date of entry and with at least two blank pages, the completed and signed visa application form, two recent passport-sized photographs, accommodation reservation confirmation or a letter of invitation.

It is essential to plan ahead, as the visa process can take several weeks. Review entry policies regularly and carry a printed and digital copy of your visa during your trip to avoid any mishaps.

Vaccines to travel to Iran

Before travel to Iran, it is crucial to be up to date on your vaccinations to ensure a safe and healthy stay. Recommended vaccines include Hepatitis A and B, typhoid fever, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and Rage. Additionally, it is important to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Hepatitis A and B are especially critical because the former is transmitted through contaminated food and water, and the latter through contact with blood and other body fluids.

Typhoid is vital if you plan to visit rural areas or eat in places with poor hygiene. Make sure your diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccines are up to date, and consider a rabies vaccine if you will interact with animals or visit rural areas. It is advisable to consult with your doctor or an international vaccination center at least 4 to 6 weeks before your trip.

In addition to vaccines, other preventative measures include always drinking bottled or boiled water, using insect repellent, and having a travel medical insurance.

Security in Iran

Iran It is generally a safe country for touristsbut it is important to be informed about certain precautions and regulations to ensure a safe stay. Respecting local customs is essential. Iran is a country with strong Islamic traditions, so you must dress conservatively and follow local regulations, especially in religious places.

Avoid photographing military installations and carry copies of your important documents, storing them separately from the originals. The consumption of alcohol and drugs is strictly prohibited and severely punished.

Keep your belongings safe and always in sight, especially in busy places such as markets, train stations and tourist attractions. Avoid displaying valuables and do not leave bags, cameras or mobile phones unattended. If you use public transportation, pay attention to your belongings, especially on crowded buses and trains. If you rent a car, do not leave valuables visible when you park it.

It is useful to have emergency numbers on hand during your stay in Iran: Police (110), Ambulances (115) and Firefighters (125). Additionally, it is always a good idea to have the contact of the embassy or consulate of Spain in Iran.

For female travelers, Iran is a safe destination, but it is important to take extra precautions. Avoid walking alone at night in poorly lit areas and be wary of strangers offering unsolicited help. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, seek help in a public place or contact the authorities.

The culture and customs of Iran

Understanding and respecting local culture and customs is essential to having a positive experience when travel to Iran. The country has a rich cultural heritage and a society that deeply values ​​its traditions.


Dress code

The dress code in Iran is strict and applies to both men and women. Men should avoid wearing shorts and tank tops, while women should cover their hair with a scarf and wear clothing that covers their arms and legs. For women, it is common to wear a “manteau” or long coat that covers up to the knees.

Social customs

Social customs in Iran reflect its deep Islamic heritage. For example, men and women who are not immediate family members generally do not shake hands. A verbal greeting or a slight nod is appropriate. In the public sphere, it is important to show respect for religious customs, as well as Avoid public displays of affection.

Although not required, tipping is welcome, especially in restaurants and for guide services.. In general, 10% of the total bill is an appropriate tip. In markets and small shops, it is common to haggle, but always with respect and good humor.

Iranian Hospitality

Hospitality is a fundamental value in Iranian culture. It is common for Iranians to invite foreigners to their homes to share a meal or simply to talk. Accepting these invitations can be a great way to learn more about daily life in Iran and make local friends. Always remember to show gratitude and respect.

Food and customs

Iranian cuisine is diverse and delicious. When eating at homestays, follow local rules, such as use your right hand to eat and accept food with both hands. It's common for hosts to offer more food than you can eat, so it's okay to politely decline when you're full.

Respecting these customs and showing interest in the local culture will help you integrate better and enjoy a more enriching experience while discovering Iran.

Essential places to visit in Iran

Iran is a country full of cultural and natural wonders worth exploring. Below, we present some of the essential destinations that you should not miss when travel to Iran.


The capital of Iran, Tehran, is a vibrant city that offers a mix of modernity and tradition. Among the places you should visit are the Golestan Palacea historic complex with impressive architecture, and the Azadi Tower, an icon of the city. He Tehran Bazaar It is another must-see site where you can find everything from spices to local crafts.


Isfahan, known as “the middle of the world”, is famous for its impressive Naqsh-e Jahan Square, one of the largest squares in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Don't miss the Sheikh Lotfollah Mosquethe Shah Mosque and the Ali Qapu Palace. Furthermore, historic bridges such as Si-o-Se Pol and the Khaju Bridge They are perfect for walking and enjoying the view of the Zayandeh River.


Shiraz, the city of poets, gardens and wines, is home to the famous Tomb of Hafez, a place of pilgrimage for lovers of Persian poetry. He Eram Garden and the Nasir al-Mulk Mosqueknown as the Pink Mosque For its beautiful stained glass windows, they are other places that you cannot miss.


The ruins of Persepolis, the ancient capital of the Persian Empire, offer a fascinating glimpse into the grandeur of ancient Persia. This archaeological site, also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, includes the remains of imposing palaces and sculptures that tell the story of an empire that dominated much of the known world in its time.


Yazd is known for its unique adobe architecture and ancient ventilation systems, called badgirs or wind towers. The Jameh Mosque Yazd, with its tall minarets and beautiful dome, is an architectural marvel. Don't forget to visit the Zoroastrian Fire Temple and the Towers of Silence to learn about the ancient Zoroastrian religion.


Kerman and the Lut Desert

Kerman is a historic city located near the impressive Lut Desert, one of the warmest places on the planet. The Rayen Citadel and the Shahzadeh Gardens They are featured attractions in Kerman. A tour through the desert will allow you to appreciate the sand dunes and unique rock formations.


Mashhad is the most important religious center in Iran and home of the Imam Reza Shrine, the eighth imam of Shiism. This sanctuary is one of the most relevant pilgrimage sites in Shiite Islam and an impressive architectural complex.


Qom is another city of great religious importance, known for the Fatima Masumeh Shrine. It is an important center of religious studies and a pilgrimage site for Shiites.

Getting to know these places will allow you to experience the rich history, diverse culture, and stunning natural wonders of Iran. Each city and site offers a unique perspective on this fascinating country.

Travel safely and live a unique experience in Iran with Intermundial

Travel to Iran It can be an incredibly enriching experience if you prepare properly. Make sure you comply with all requirements to travel to Irancarry the documentation necessary to travel to Iran and get the visa to travel to Iran in advance. In addition, keep you informed about the Vaccines required to travel to Iran and following safety recommendations will allow you to enjoy your trip with peace of mind.

Iran offers an unparalleled cultural and scenic wealth, from the bustling streets of Tehran to the historic ruins of Persepolis, through the hospitality of its people and the beauty of its natural landscapes. Don't forget to take out travel insurance to be covered against any unforeseen event and fully enjoy everything that this fascinating country has to offer. Furthermore, through our application, you can receive information in real time, as well as be part of any incident, always being in contact with us in the event of any unforeseen event.

Have a good trip and enjoy your adventure in Iran!