10 Trends for Food and Beverage Industry in 2024

At Alimentaria, one of the largest food and beverage trade fairs, numerous innovations and trends are showcased every year. This article delves into ten trends that, according to the consultancy Innova Markets Insights, are shaping the food and beverage industry in 2024. Additionally, we explore some technologies being utilized in upcycling and valorizing by-products, and how our tasting of new protein coexistence products went.

Trends for 2024 in the Food and Beverage

Trend 1: Ingredients Take Center Stage

Globally, 1 in 3 consumers states that they always pay attention to ingredients they find interesting. This reflects a significant shift in consumer behavior where the ingredient list on product labels has become a focal point for value. Companies are responding by promoting key ingredients to gain a positive perception. Among these, protein stands out, with 42% of consumers highlighting it as the most important ingredient.

This trend is not just about labeling but about transparency and education. Consumers are increasingly knowledgeable and selective about what goes into their bodies. They are looking for ingredients that not only meet their nutritional needs but also align with their personal values, whether that’s sustainability, ethical sourcing, or health benefits.

For companies, this means a shift in marketing strategies to highlight the origins and benefits of their ingredients. It also means investing in quality ingredients that can stand up to consumer scrutiny. This trend is driving innovation in ingredient sourcing and product formulation, pushing the industry towards greater transparency and accountability.

Trend 2: Nurturing Nature

Consumers are placing a high value on actions that protect nature, favor sustainable packaging, and improve waste management. This trend is rooted in a broader environmental consciousness that has been growing over the past decade. Consumers are no longer just passive recipients of products; they are active participants in a global movement towards sustainability.

Companies are being held to higher standards when it comes to their environmental impact. This includes everything from how raw materials are sourced to how products are packaged and disposed of. Sustainable packaging, in particular, has become a hot topic, with many companies exploring biodegradable or recyclable options.

Waste management is another critical area. Consumers expect companies to minimize waste in their production processes and to find innovative ways to repurpose by-products. This trend is driving significant investment in technologies that can reduce waste and improve the sustainability of food production.

Trend 3: Prioritizing Prevention

The pandemic has heightened awareness around health and wellness, leading to a surge in demand for products that support personal wellbeing. Consumers are increasingly choosing products that offer health benefits, whether that’s boosting immunity, improving mental health, or providing nutritional balance.

For older consumers, the focus is on heart health, bone health, and joint health. These concerns reflect a desire to maintain a high quality of life and independence as they age. Products that support these health areas are in high demand, and companies are responding with targeted formulations and health claims.

Younger consumers, on the other hand, are more concerned with skin health, cognitive function, and energy levels. This demographic is looking for products that can help them look and feel their best, both physically and mentally. This trend is driving innovation in functional foods and beverages that offer specific health benefits.

Trend 4: Plant-Based Growth in New Formats and Applications

Plant-based products are evolving, with convenience being the next frontier. According to Innova Market Insights, 50% of consumers worldwide say that family-friendly formats are important when buying plant-based products. This reflects a broader trend towards convenience and ease of use in food products.

Consumers are looking for plant-based options that fit seamlessly into their busy lives. This means ready-to-eat meals, snacks, and beverages that require minimal preparation. Companies are responding with innovative formats that make plant-based eating more accessible and appealing to a wider audience.

This trend is also driving diversification in plant-based products. Companies are exploring new ingredients and formulations to create products that not only mimic meat but offer unique textures and flavors. This is expanding the plant-based category beyond traditional meat substitutes to include a wide range of innovative products.

Trend 5: Local Goes Global

Local ingredients and flavors are gaining global recognition as consumers seek authentic and adventurous culinary experiences. This trend combines a desire for authenticity with a growing interest in sustainability and supporting local economies.

Consumers are increasingly interested in where their food comes from and how it’s produced. They want to know the story behind the ingredients and the people who produce them. This is driving demand for products that showcase local flavors and traditions.

At the same time, local ingredients are being celebrated on the global stage. Chefs and food producers are experimenting with traditional ingredients to create new and exciting dishes. This is helping to preserve culinary heritage while also introducing new flavors to a global audience.

Trend 6: Kitchen Heroes

The pandemic has transformed the home kitchen into a hub of creativity and social interaction. Home cooking has become a way for people to connect with family and friends, explore new cuisines, and express themselves.

This trend is driving demand for products that make home cooking easier and more enjoyable. From meal kits to innovative kitchen gadgets, companies are finding new ways to inspire and support home cooks. This is also driving innovation in food products that are designed for home preparation, such as pre-seasoned ingredients and ready-to-cook meals.

Consumers are also becoming more adventurous in their cooking. They are experimenting with new ingredients and techniques, driven by a desire to recreate restaurant-quality meals at home. This trend is opening up new opportunities for food companies to cater to the home chef.

Trend 7: Enjoying Health

Health and indulgence are no longer mutually exclusive. Consumers are seeking products that offer both health benefits and sensory pleasure. This trend is driving innovation in products that deliver on taste while also offering nutritional benefits.

Brands are finding ways to combine health and indulgence in a single product. This could be a snack that’s high in protein and low in sugar, or a dessert that’s rich in antioxidants. The key is to offer consumers a balance between pleasure and wellness.

This trend is also driving demand for functional foods and beverages that offer specific health benefits. From probiotic drinks to fortified snacks, consumers are looking for products that support their health goals without sacrificing taste.

Trend 8: Exploiting Ocean Opportunities

The oceans are being recognized as a rich source of sustainable ingredients. Algae and microalgae, in particular, are gaining attention for their nutritional benefits and environmental sustainability.

These ingredients offer a wide range of applications, from food and beverages to supplements and cosmetics. They are rich in nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and antioxidants, making them a valuable addition to a healthy diet.

The use of ocean ingredients is also driving innovation in product development. Companies are exploring new ways to incorporate these ingredients into their products, creating unique flavors and textures that appeal to health-conscious consumers.

Trend 9: H2.0: Refreshing the Future

Hydration is evolving with a focus on functional health and simplicity. Consumers are looking for beverages that offer more than just hydration, with added benefits such as electrolytes, vitamins, and adaptogens.

This trend is driving innovation in the beverage category, with companies creating drinks that support specific health goals. From sports drinks that enhance performance to wellness beverages that reduce stress, the possibilities are endless.

At the same time, there is a growing interest in simple, everyday hydration. Consumers are looking for beverages that are refreshing and easy to drink, without added sugars or artificial ingredients. This trend is driving demand for clean-label products that offer a pure and natural hydration experience.

Trend 10: Transparent Communication

Consumers are seeking open, direct, and truthful communication from the food and beverage industry. They are tired of marketing hype and misinformation and want to know exactly what they are consuming.

This trend is driving a shift towards greater transparency in product labeling and marketing. Companies are providing more information about their ingredients, sourcing practices, and production methods. This is helping to build trust and credibility with consumers.

Transparent communication is also about engaging with consumers in a meaningful way. Companies are using social media and other platforms to share their stories and values, creating a deeper connection with their audience. This trend is helping to foster a sense of community and loyalty among consumers.

Technologies to Combat Food Waste

Consumers value companies that take actions to make our world more sustainable and clean. One focus area is the fight against food losses and waste. Begoña Ruiz, Director of Technologies at Ainia, highlighted upcycling or by-product valorization as a great option to give a new life to food losses or waste through various technologies:

  • Fermentation: Subproducts can be used as substrates for microorganisms to obtain Single Cell Protein (SCP).
  • Extraction: For example, extracting pectins or fibers from by-products for subsequent incorporation into various food matrices.
  • Oleogelation: Using oils from by-products like avocado pits.

These technologies are driving innovation in the way food waste is managed and repurposed. By finding new uses for by-products, companies can reduce waste and create valuable new products. This not only helps to protect the environment but also adds value to the food production process.

Tasting the Future

We conclude this post by referencing a tasting session led by our CNTA colleague Elena Romero Melgosa at the Cajamar Group space at Alimentaria. Attendees enjoyed a “360º sensory experience” through new protein coexistence products (from traditional and alternative proteins). They could visually characterize the products, smell their aromas, and taste them. As our expert indicated, it was “a sensory journey to the food of the future, to which CNTA continues to contribute.”

Additionally, during the tasting, the OPTIPROT Network, a Cervera network formed by technological centers AZTI, EURECAT, AINIA, ANFACO-CECOPESCA, and CNTA, was discussed. Participation in this network will allow CNTA to offer new solutions for developing healthy foods based on protein coexistence. Thanks to the network, the technological center will continue to increase its knowledge in omic technologies (metabolomics) and its in vitro and in vivo models (C. elegans) to evaluate the biological quality of alternative proteins and coexistence proteins, and thus create functional foods to prevent or delay muscle strength loss, among other functions.

In summary, the trends shaping the food and beverage industry in 2024 reflect a broader shift towards health, sustainability, and innovation. Consumers are becoming more knowledgeable and selective about what they consume, driving companies to be more transparent and accountable. At the same time, new technologies are opening up exciting possibilities for product development and waste management. As the industry continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how these trends develop and what new innovations emerge.

Source: https://www.cnta.es/alimentaria-10-tendencias-para-este-2024-en-la-industria-de-alimentacion-y-bebidas/