Tourist traps: what not to waste your time on

Tourist traps

There are many interesting places that are worth visiting when traveling to a particular country. It is impossible to come to Rome and not see the Colosseum or fly to Barcelona and not go to Park Güell. However, famous landmarks often become real tourist traps. What awaits people here are only crowds of similar travelers, inflated prices, dirt, decay and, most importantly, a discrepancy between expectations and reality.

Hollywood Walk of Fame (Los Angeles, USA)

Many people associate Hollywood with luxurious life, spotlights and movie stars who can easily be seen on the street. However, here is the main disappointment for tourists who come to Los Angeles – the Walk of Fame, which occupies 15 blocks of Hollywood Boulevard and three of Vine Street. Despite the flair of success and gloss that is felt at the grandiose opening ceremonies of named stars, this is a very dirty street with an unpleasant smell, favored by homeless people and animators in dubious costumes.

What to visit instead:

Instead of maneuvering between marginalized individuals, it is better to go to Griffith Park. Here you can stroll through the well-kept green area, visit the famous Griffith Observatory, the Greek Theater, the city zoo and enjoy the panorama of Los Angeles from the observation deck overlooking the Hollywood sign.

Hollywood Walk of Fame (Los Angeles, USA)
Hollywood Walk of Fame © Oscity / Shutterstock

Stonehenge (Wiltshire, England)

They talk about this mystical stone formation in English lessons at school. Visiting it is like walking between the monoliths. This is where the main catch is hidden – no one will let you get close to these structures. For a very large sum, tourists will only be able to look at the stones from afar. The same picture can be seen simply by moving along the nearest road.

What to visit instead:

There are many similar monuments in the UK that are also impressive, have free access and have few visitors. For example, 40-50 minutes’ drive from Stonehenge there are Avebury stones, erected in almost the same period.

Stonehenge (Wiltshire, England)
Stonehenge © RED87PUTRA / Shutterstock

Leaning Tower of Pisa (Pisa, Italy)

Not many people know about the city of Pisa, but almost everyone has heard about the leaning Leaning Tower of Pisa, which is located there. To take a standard photo and climb to the top, you need to overcome a crowd of the same tourists. In addition, entrance to the tower will cost the price of an average lunch, and to reach the very top you need to walk three hundred steps along a spiral staircase.

What to visit instead:

You can go to the Botanical Garden of Pisa – one of the oldest in the world. It was founded in the middle of the 16th century, during the reign of the Medici family. If your soul craves architectural sights, it is worth driving 20 km to the city of Lucca with a beautiful historical center and its own tower, although not falling.

Leaning Tower of Pisa (Pisa, Italy)
Leaning Tower of Pisa © Patryk Kosmider / Shutterstock

Stone of Blarney (Cork, Ireland)

The Blarney Stone is one of the most controversial and overrated landmarks in the world. It is located in the castle of the same name in the Irish county of Cork. According to legend, this is part of the Scone Stone, on which the coronation of the rulers of England and Scotland was held. To gain eloquence, you need to be in good physical shape to be able to bend over and kiss the stone. In Covid times, this tradition looks especially unpleasant if you think about its sanitary aspects.

What to visit instead:

First, you need to explore Blarney Castle itself – one of the most beautiful and famous in Ireland. It was built in the 15th century and is well preserved, except for the interiors. In his garden you can see a collection of poisonous plants and ancient pagan artifacts. The historic city of Cork, with its beautiful cathedrals and vibrant nightlife, is 10 km away.

Stone of Blarney (Cork, Ireland)
Stone of Speech © Thomas Barrat / Shutterstock

Times Square (New York, USA)

The most famous square in New York has appeared hundreds of times in films, TV series and animation. People come here to look at the neon signs and celebrate the New Year. This is where the roots of the main problem come from – there are always too many people here. To entertain them, questionable animators work in Times Square, sellers try to sell cheap souvenirs, and restaurants can disappoint with the quality of their dishes.

What to visit instead:

In such a bright and big city as New York, it is not a problem to find places that will impress and leave behind only positive emotions. For example, you can visit Greenwich Village, which has an excellent public park, Washington Square, and excellent restaurants, bars, jazz clubs, and theaters.

Times Square (New York, USA)
Times Square © Luciano Mortula – LGM / Shutterstock

Red Light District (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Despite the fact that this is a historical area, tourists do not come here to admire the architectural sights. This is perhaps the main center of sex tourism in Europe. The famous shop windows, illuminated with red light, attract many lovers of pleasant entertainment. But at the same time, drug trafficking and organized crime are thriving here, which may raise concerns about the safety of staying in this place. Since 2006, there has been talk about closing the “red light district”.

What to visit instead:

Take a look at the Jordaan district with Amsterdam’s iconic canals, famous gingerbread houses, boutiques, pubs and restaurants. In addition, you should definitely visit the Van Gogh Museum, where you can see many works by the genius and his contemporaries. Also, don’t neglect the beautiful Vondelpark.

Red Light District (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Red Light District © Olena Z / Shutterstock

Rushmore (South Dakota, USA)

Mount Rushmore is notable for the faces of American presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, carved directly into the rock at the beginning of the last century. Initially, the heads of state were supposed to be depicted from the waist up, but there was not enough funding. The main complaint about this place is its location. To clearly see the features of stone faces, you need to try very hard. In addition, the monument is much smaller than it may seem in the photo. Its height is 18 meters.

What to visit instead:

A half hour’s drive from Mount Rushmore is the Crazy Horse Memorial. It is the world’s largest sculpture carved from solid rock and has been under construction for over 75 years. The rider’s face measures 27 meters and you can get close to him.

Rushmore (South Dakota, USA)
Mount Rushmore National Memorial © JohnDSmith / Shutterstock

Mona Lisa (Paris, France)

One of the most popular works of art in the world, created by Leonardo da Vinci, is an unexpected tourist trap. This painting is located in the Louvre Museum in Paris and attracts millions of people every year who want to see the masterpiece in person. This is precisely the main pitfall – because of the crowd it is difficult to see the Mona Lisa. Its size is only 77 x 53 cm.

What to visit instead:

In the Louvre itself there are thousands more exhibits that are worth viewing – ancient Greek statues (including the Venus de Milo), Egyptian mummies, sculptures by Michelangelo, paintings by Rubens, Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Titian and other great works of art.

Mona Lisa (Paris, France)
Mona Lisa © Grzegorz Czapski / Shutterstock

Niagara Falls (New York, USA)

When you come to see one of the grandest waterfalls in the world, you certainly want to get good service and comfort. But all this is not about the town of Niagara Falls, in the US state of New York. The large influx of tourists has led to high prices for accommodation, food and souvenirs, as well as dirty streets. However, for some, the presence of a casino here may be an advantage.

What to visit instead:

An alternative would be the city of the same name near Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. There are a large number of high-class casinos and excellent hotels. There are usually fewer people in this Niagara Falls area, and the views are more impressive.

Niagara Falls © Songquan Deng / Shutterstock

Temple Bar (Dublin, Ireland)

One of the first associations with Ireland, and Dublin in particular, is a pub with heavy dark wood furniture, where local beer is served by the pint. Walking around Temple Bar, you can see a drinking establishment behind almost every door. However, Dubliners bypass this place ten times over, because there has been no authenticity here for a long time, the prices are too high, and the number of tourists is off the charts.

What to visit instead:

Dublin has many real pubs with history, wonderful cuisine and a wonderful atmosphere, for which tourists come to this city. A little life hack – you need to pay attention to whether the Irish people themselves visit the establishment. This is an indicator of a good, correctly chosen place.

Temple Bar (Dublin, Ireland)
Temple Bar © VanderWolf Images / Shutterstock

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