5 tips for traveling with “Andrés” (menstruation)

Woman looking at the horizon on a trip“When the circadian rhythm suffers imbalances, as is common during travel, the menstrual cycle can be altered.”

It has happened to all of us that we have a well-planned trip, that trip that we look forward to and where we are sure that everything is going to turn out well, but suddenly… the dear “Andrés” arrives, without warning, without giving explanations, nothing more. He arrives saying: “I’m staying here, what’s more, I’m going with you on your trip.”

Don’t worry, I understand you, therefore, I will explain to you what happens to our body when we are on our period and we go on a trip, as well as some travel tips with “Andrés.”

Menstruation is uncomfortable, why do we do it!!

It becomes a major inconvenience, with a scheduled trip. Despite everything, what we are not going to do is stay at home and cancel a trip because we have our period.

So here are some suggestions that work for me; If it works for you, take it, if not, then only take the advice that you think can help you.

Keep track of your period

This may seem quite obvious, but if I am honest, I am sure that it has happened to more than one of us, that suddenly we forget the time with our period and with the notes, then that record is no longer so coordinated with our menstruation and we are out of phase. Or even many of us become irregular and we are trying to see when it arrives.

But what I do despite that is that, if I have the possibility of adapting the dates, I can schedule the days thinking about when I will be “free” from menstruation. This way you end up with a note, with all the concerns or inconveniences that traveling with your period may cause you. Sometimes we don’t think about it, but this way you get to travel with one less worry and you can be more prepared to receive it.

Build your personal first aid kit

In case you can’t or don’t want to choose rule-free dates for your trip, logically nothing happens, the world is not going to end, but yes, when preparing your luggage, don’t forget to put in your backpack your personal first aid kit

Everything you need for your menstrual hygiene, you know: pads, towels, your beloved menstrual cup, toilet paper, just in case, 2 changes of underwear, some pain relievers, sweets, disinfectant. Everything you think is necessary for you on those difficult days

Woman traveling during her menstruation period

Another piece of advice I give you is to carry a small menstruation kit just in case, even if it’s not “your turn”, but it can be useful, since travel alters menstrual cycles. AND They can change your usual symptoms, including the length of your cycle or the color of your bleeding. In addition, it will serve as support in case you travel to another continent.

Stay hydrated and eat well

This may sound very logical, but I better repeat it, you are losing blood, so these days it is important that you keep your diet stable.

Period increases dehydration. The problem, in addition to the lack of water in our body, is that this makes menstrual pain worse. So drinking more water than usual can help you relieve the sensation of pain. Now, diet also influences whether you suffer more or less menstrual pain. For this reason, during those days, giving special attention to vegetables, fruit and foods high in fiber. And of course, foods rich in iron, magnesium, vitamin B6 and protein.

You may have hormonal imbalances from traveling

The menstrual cycle is highly influenced and related to the circadian rhythm, which defines the biological rhythms of the body.

When the circadian rhythm suffers imbalances, as is common when traveling, the menstrual cycle can be altered. It can be advanced or delayed, as well as vary the usual duration of the cycle. Therefore, I advise you to always go with clothing provisions, making them as comfortable as possible.

One of the things that most causes hormonal imbalances is stress, and when we travel, or rather when preparing for the trip, it is almost inevitable to be uneasy both because of the tension of not forgetting anything, and because of the excitement of doing the job itself. journey.

Don’t force your body

I know that adventure calls us and we like it, but again, you are losing blood. Your body is making double the effort, remember that this trip can take place at another time, the mountain, the sea, the river and the snow, it will stay there, it will not move.

If on one of those trips you don’t feel well, don’t expose yourself, your health comes first and it is important that you take care of your body so that you continue enjoying those outings that move you.

Take care of your body, it is the temple of your soul.

I hope this has been useful to you, share it with your traveling friend and remember to consider the possibility that you can travel with your period because it is something normal, natural and uncontrollable.